A Life Celebrated – 13 years after my near-death experience

In the crisp January air of 2011, our family eagerly set out on a journey to Disney World—an inheritance gift that promised to sprinkle magic over our lives, which had been touched by the sudden departure of two beloved grandparents in 2007. Little did we know, this trip would weave both joyous and harrowing chapters into the fabric of our family.

As the sun dawned on the first day, the air buzzed with anticipation. Sea World was in the plan, and I felt a surge of youthful energy flowing through me. The dolphins soared in the stadium, their acrobatics mirrored the elation within our family. The decision to save my favorite place, Disney World, for last lingered in my mind. Yet, that night at the poolside feeling elated, under the star-studded sky, I couldn’t have fathomed the twist the universe had in store.

Amidst laughter and dancing, the atmosphere brimmed with a rare happiness.  Those moments where bliss remains. Then, in an instant, the night transformed into a nightmare—a dive gone wrong, a shallow dive but a collision with scraping the pool’s bottom. The pain was immediate and searing. As I emerged from the water, time seemed to stretch infinitely, and a strange intuition urged me to brace my neck. It was as if the universe, in that very moment, cradled me in its arms.

Chaos erupted as my family scrambled. My husband’s fear and anger collided, questioning how such a thing could happen. Amidst the disarray, my mother, a beacon of clarity, dialed 9-1-1. Fear gripped me, and I implored her not to call, aware that my actions might shatter the joy we had found. The ambulance ride to the hospital felt like an eternity, the pain in my head felt akin to a bowling ball.  So many thoughts and feelings flooded my mind, many of which involved my two beautiful sons waking up without mommy.

I lifted to the universe my life and a priest was summoned. Amid uncertainty, I clung to the belief that the universe held me. The tingling in my extremities, the prospect of paralysis—it was the stuff of nightmares and thoughts it could never be me. Then, a miraculous return of sensation—a touch from the universe, a glimpse of hope.

Days unfolded in a blur—a diagnosis of a C1 fracture, the rarest and most precarious. The decision not to operate led to the imposition of a halo—a metal 8lb contraption that would be my companion for the next 80 days. Separated from my children, I grappled with the emotional weight of my transformation.

The highly anticipated moment when my children first saw me in the hospital with the halo was charged with a mix of emotions that linger in my memory forever. Their innocent eyes, filled with both curiosity and trepidation, reflected the impact of the unforeseen changes in their mommy. As they entered the hospital room, the stark reality of my transformation confronted them in seeing the iron contraption connected to my skull. I yearned to embrace them, to assure them that despite the metal encasement, I was still their mommy. Their expressions, etched with horror and fear, tore at my heart in so many ways. Unable to physically comfort them with a hug, I summoned every ounce of strength to set aside the pain and bring lightness to the room. In that delicate moment, I stretched the truth, assuring them that I was not in pain—a well-intentioned untruth meant to shield them from the severity of the situation. Attempting to lighten the mood, I knew deeply I would become a source of strength: “Mommy is a transformer—how cool is that?” A faint smile broke through the initial shock on their faces, but the emotional complexity of that encounter etched itself into the canvas of our shared history.  My husband stood and watched, and his eyes showed it all, admiration, love, and still disbelief.   So many emotions, so much to come of the unknown.  But I knew in that moment and the moments to come  – I could control how I chose to respond.  That is all I really had control of.

Separated from my boys for weeks, the ache in my heart existed but I knew I needed to embrace a new normal. The return home brought a mix of emotions—gratitude for being alive, the burden of guilt, and the challenge of adapting to a changed body. Upon returning home, the need for distraction was needed, and in hindsight, counseling might have offered healing at a deeper level, this is something I had learned over time. The emotions swung between sadness, anger, and gratitude. Adapting to the physical changes became a profound learning curve—figuring out how to dress, sleep, and resume routine activities felt like navigating uncharted waters. Two weeks into my return home, I tentatively resumed work from home, immersing myself in a few hours a day, a lifeline that provided a mental escape from the tumult within. The familiar rhythm of work served as a stabilizing force, a semblance of normalcy amid the extraordinary. Mentally, it was a lot to absorb, and work became both a sanctuary and a challenge—an intricate dance with the known and the unknown, as I grappled with the aftermath of a life-altering event.  I was convinced to show my sons I chose to respond to this event by continuing to do the same things their mommy did before the accident.   I see now they were unphased which brings me so much solace…..

The 80 days of the halo marked a journey through physical and emotional terrain. Pin sites loosened, hospital visits became a routine, and the uncertainty of healing lingered. Life’s small pleasures—hugs, skin-to-skin contact—became treasures in the midst of a metal encasement.

As the halo came off, a CT scan delivered unsettling news—an unhealed fracture. Fear threatened to engulf me, but a newfound resilience emerged. Life continued with a “new normal,” where gratitude trumped pain and perspective shifted.

The videos captured moments of triumph and vulnerability—walking with added weight, the removal of the halo, and the bittersweet realization of an unhealed fracture. A CT scan painted a grim picture, but with a leap of faith, I chose to step into a new normal.


Removal of the Halo (this video is a bit hard to watch as a look back – but my boys were unphased which leads me to believe I kept stability during this time for them)


Getting the collar on, having so much fear with the new:


In the grand symphony of life, broken chords can compose melodies of resilience. Today, I celebrate 13 years of second chances of finding gratitude in this messy yet beautiful life. Viktor Frankl’s wisdom echoes—a testament to the power of choosing our response. If you wish to delve deeper into my journey, you can watch my interview on YouTube titled “Viktor Frankl, the Holocaust, and a Broken Neck: Vanessa Chesters Speaks to Daniel Schonbuch.”

In every dark moment, there lies a resilience that weaves a tapestry of gratitude—a testament to the beauty that emerges from life’s unexpected twists.  I would never take away the difficult, as it has brought me to where I am today.   I value every moment, I see light in the darkest places, and believe our true purpose of this life is to unlearn and return to a place where we see beauty within and truly learn to love ourselves for who we are.    Once we do that, we can spread so much to others in this world, we can bring love and light to all those we come across.

This Abundantly Breathtakingly Beautiful Messy Life

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

There is no doubt that this life is both beautiful and messy all at the same time.    We were not promised a life free from pain, we are promised abundance.   Now more than ever we must take care of our minds, body, and soul.   These past couple of years have brought much uncertainty for the world, social media continues to be a constant feed of the pain this world is experiencing.  But there is so much more, this world is beautiful, there is kindness and love that transcends if we just pay attention to the magic all around us.

As I enter the phase of midlife, and look back on my experiences, I have seen much heart ache and pain but also breathtaking beauty.  I have realized that we all have opportunity, but that opportunity may sometimes come with loss or pain.     As I sit back, I ponder if the purpose of us being here is to unlearn everything that has transpired since childhood to bring us to a place that is free of judgement?  We are brought into this life free of judgement but as time ticks by, we develop opinions and biases. 

What if we could be in a state free of condition and judgement?  Peace.  But how easy is it to achieve? 

I truly believe that we need to unlearn some of these conditions and biases to fully let go of judgement to understand how to demonstrate unconditional love for self and others.   Love for self is a challenging feat is it not?

One of the most basic concepts is self-love and at each stage of life may look different.   How can we fully love others if we do not understand how to love ourselves first?    How can we be authentic to ourselves with being able to demonstrate all that has been gifted to us?     

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)   Our own understanding is built by what we have been exposed to by our senses, there is so much unseen that is continually working for our good.   The mind is magnificent yet debilitating all at the same time.   We are asked to come and rest, but the action of rest requires perseverance. Perseverance of spirt, mind, body, and soul to really be grounded in what is – not what has transpired or is yet to come.

When we experience trials, consider it joy.    Joy and trials all melded together into one. For it is in the imperfect that we truly see how magical this life truly is.  We discover the light that can shine from the greatest difficulty.    His works are perfect, and all his ways are just. (Deuteronomy 32:4)  

We all have our share of experiences that take our breath away, no experience can be compared to another, they are equal in significance.   I too have experienced trials that have rocked my core, taken my breath away, but also offered opportunity to learn and grow:   

  • I was bullied in all my school years that impacted how I viewed myself in the mirror – felt unloved and unworthy.   The girl looking back at me wondered if she was truly beautiful.   Years later as I look on that little girl, I would tell her what I know now.  Love comes from within.
  • I was physically assaulted by a group of men who took away my sense of self and dignity.  I felt lost and wondered if I would ever find my way back home again.  But there is always hope if we choose to find it.   A light at the end of a tunnel shining the way, one step in front of the other to pull through and find myself again.
  • I broke my neck and nearly lost my life at a time that was supposed to be so magical for my family and sons.   A second chance at life emerged with a new perspective.
  • I have suffered from depression throughout my life – many would only see a smile of strength and positivity; this is the unseen. Many don’t know what’s behind the smile.
  • I have had losses and have had heartache that many in this world.  The loss of my father-in-law suddenly or close family members.  One moment here, the next gone. Moments to make one realize how precious this life can be.

But the question is, do these moments define who I am, or do they contribute to good in my life? Are all things made for good?

As I look back, I see the silver lining that has shone through in all these events.  There was a rainbow that always followed the rain.   Like the moment when I met my soulmate, or the moments my children were born, or the moments where I discovered who was always walking beside me, carrying me, lifting me up if I was falling down.  The moments where we discover love in the pain, love for self, love for others and truly what this life is about.    Sometimes you don’t see the light until you are part or all the way through.  We all have defining moments that shake us to the core and these moments cannot be compared to one another as they are unique to each one of us and have significance in impact.  These moments can offer reflection of change or compliancy and staying on a course that is safe.  Change comes with vulnerability, acceptance, and an action in some cases of letting go and sometimes taking a leap of faith to moving forward.

I have always admired the butterfly – the metamorphosis that takes shape through struggle. To only emerge as something so very magnificent and beautiful.   This can be compared to our flight in this life. Life is but a journey, a journey to self-discovery, self-love, self-compassion, and acceptance of what is – to then to emerge to truly understand how bountiful and full of joy this life was intended to be.    I have recognized that life brings beauty in the most painful experiences.  

I take comfort in knowing that we have something Greater than ourselves allowing us to experience joys and trials to realize the gifts of this life.   Ultimately, I know that this Grand Universe wants me to see myself through the eyes of unconditional love and love myself and live my days with abundance while utilizing the gifts that I have been given.    We are so powerful, and our minds can lift us up or tear us down.    This life is a journey to love oneself and fully accept who we are – our authentic selves.   We each have our own unique gift or blueprint; the key is discovering that it within and sharing it with others.  This is where the true power resides in this beautifully messy life.

I am still working on achieving love for myself every day by actions of grace.  I begin the day with gratitude to ground what is, and then offering myself a cup of grace when I may slip or fall.   Each one of us can only control how we choose to respond; the rest is out of our control and up to God.   Our power lies in our response to what is happening in our lives.

Women supporting Women

Women supporting Women

They give you grace. They fill your cup. They support you when you’re feeling low. Women supporting women.Friends.

When I was a little girl I didn’t quite know what the definition of a friend was. Always being the new girl was a challenge in making lasting relationships. But I observed others that have been in relationships for a long time, in how they looked at each other and how free-flowing the conversation would be. I guess you could say I was envious, deeply wanting that best friend that would fill my cup. I have been lucky enough in later life to have these beautiful friends. Sometimes our gifts in life come later. I’ve come to realize that these relationships are so precious much like a gem, beautiful and unique. Women supporting women. Friendship.

They fill your Cup, they fill your soul, they do not judge, and they grab ahold. Unconditional. Women supporting women. Everlasting friends.

Women’s souls are so unique, a tapestry of colours and brilliance. Each having their own experiences and learnings that can help the soul of another. Women supporting women. Lending a hand.

We all have experiences that rock us to the core. These experiences shape us and help us grow. But it doesn’t stop there – We are not intended to bear the burden’s all on our own. Women supporting women. Helping each other through.

They fill our cup, They fill our soul, they lift us up and they support us so we’re not alone. Women supporting women, through and through. Together we are strong, together we are one .

Giving Grace

10 Years ago I experienced a trauma that impacted so many in my life and those that love me. I will say that this trauma has also brought so much grace, and positives although felt like one of the hardest times in my life.

In this life we all go through events that cause us to reflect, decide, and/or determine a new direction or take a new step. I believe this life is much like a metamorphosis. We are all brought to this world without impressions or biases and as life progresses through many of the societal norms we shift and change our perspective. I truly believe that we are here to “unlearn” all of these items and to become whole again, much like a newborn who is seeing everything for the first time without judgement and rather with curiosity. I am on this journey now and have realized all of the traumatic experiences in this life are aiding in the development to become whole again. I am so thankful for the events because they too have made me realize how others may feel as they go through similar events.

While each event is unique to the individual and we can relate to one another, we do not completely know what the individual is experiencing. We do not understand until we complete “walk in their shoes”. However, this is where the human condition is so extraordinary, when we can relate, we can show grace and love for one another. I believe this is truly a primary purpose as to why we are here. Once we can relate, we can be there as a guide or listener. By seeking to understand and showing grace, we all reveal hope. Through the hope, love and grace outshine any difficulty.

Have you ever took a step back and asked yourself why are we all here?

Goodness, grace, and love always reigns when we can come together to share, to compare, to help, to support. It may be something that may seem insignificant to you, but to the person on the opposite side of the table it could be their LIGHT.

I am thankful for the difficulties, as they have helped to make me realize that every breath in this life is a gift. Really taking in each moment and being curious as to what we are learning from the moment are the greatest gifts we are given. This can be in our hardest times as well. I thank and honor this grand universe for the learning opportunities that have helped me soften my heart and open my eyes to the reality of what is.

As I look back to 10 years ago dancing with my sons, and trying to make light of my experience, it brings a few tears. But I give myself grace knowing that my children saw their mother and her resilience in the experience. https://youtu.be/-4j7lE5d0BI

These other two videos were crucial moments as well, and I was in complete fear as what was to come. On the day the halo came off, I found out my hangman’s fracture did not heal, in fact it was worse off than before. https://youtu.be/o23NLhgjZ0g and https://youtu.be/H_5lk01G8y0 . I had so many question of what was to come. What did this mean for me as a mother, daughter, wife that my C1 was still broken, shattered, it didn’t heal? The months that followed I questioned so much, and did not relay my fear to my boys. All throughout the experience I wanted them to see strength, resilience, and that when things happen in our lives we have the power to get through. Today many would not even know I still have a broken neck (C1 stabilized by scar tissue and cartilage) . But I chose faith, and to focus on what I could do vs what I could not do.

There are so many emotions that rush back as I live this again. I am so very thankful for my family through this time, for my husband, mom and dad, my in laws, my brother/sister in law and friends that are like family. The support I was given was what carried me through. The love I had for the ones that surrounded me was my inspiration to know that life does get better. One step at a time…. That is what it takes to move forward and a large cup of grace for ones self.

Today in this COVID world there is a lot going on around all of us, but the items that always stay true is the love that surrounds us from those we call family. This world is full of beauty. There is beauty that exists is in every moment if you chose to find it. I truly believe we are all broken in some way, but the beautiful aspects exist all around us and inside us. The power comes from when we decide to choose that regardless of what is happening, to find the beautiful. It starts by looking in the mirror at yourself.

I did then what I knew to do. Now I know better, I do better. – Maya Angelou

Love Ness

Being Present During COVID-19

I am the Vine
“I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV)


As I was walking, I paused and remained still and looked in awe at this tree.   It is majestic and made me think about this verse (John 15:5).   The tree is strong, grounded, and feeds and nourishes the branches. This is so symbolic during this unprecedented time in our history. COVID-19 has taken the world by storm, and has spread at a rate that we have never seen.   In these times, so much is beyond our control.   The grounding comes from the Spiritual Guide in this amazing universe.   Good will shine through, and we will be nourished.

At this time we must not lean on our own understanding and give into fear, we must rest our minds and live in the present moment.  Ask yourself what you can see, smell, touch, hear – this may help to ground you in the present moment. Lets slow down our thoughts, and ground ourselves to “what is” not “what if”.

You may be asking yourself how do I do this with what is happening? I want to stay informed how do I achieve balance?

Balance can be achieved by focusing on what you can control vs what you cannot control.

  • Do your part
  • Protect yourself by taking appropriate measures as suggested by the media
  • Limit how much you engage in media posts on COVID-19 (this can be overwhelming if it becomes the majority of your day)
  • Develop a schedule for your day to day so you can focus on what you can control
  • Make sure you include mental, physical, and spiritual wellness this may look different for each person
    • Examples include yoga, meditation, online cooking classes, team work using MSTEAMS, walks outside where you can engage appropriate social distancing
  • Ask yourself each day what brought you joy out of the day (even if it is one small example)
  • Start a gratitude journal at the beginning and end of the day (this will help to set your mind for the day and then close the day off with positivity)
  • Remember habits take time so reinforce the small steps

In this time while it may seem bleak as we witness the spread, I choose to focus on what I can control and these are the things I know:

  • I am loved and strong.
  • I am safe, fortunate and grounded in the now
  • This event is bringing us all together in the world
  • Love for one another is radiating stronger during this time
  • I can still give to others from a distance and help those in need
  • I can pray and send good energy to those that are struggling and be emotional support where I can.
  • I have moments of joy every day, they are right in front of me – family/friends/love

Sending good vibes and energy to all those who have read this today. How do you stay grounded in these times? Remember by sharing it may help others.

The Awakening

Have you ever paused for a moment and really took in the wonder of this life ? This life has so much abundance to offer us.

For most of my life , I had difficulty quieting my mind . I really can’t pin point what the trigger was to cause my overactive mind to “pause”. I think it was a series of challenges and opportunities that really caused me to reflect, realize so much is out of my control. It is often how I chose to respond that makes the difference. Through some of this I began to learn how to pause .

Peace is found when one and can immerse themselves in the present moment and take in all that it has to offer without judgement, expectation, and then truly allow wonder to flood in.

Now being in my 40s I feel like I am seeing the grand elements of this life for the first time . It’s not that I didn’t see these things before , but now it seems like I am more aware of the texture and brightness that stands before me. I am acutely aware of how precious each moment truly is . I’m human yes , and with that when I’m tired , my thoughts wander more and are especially difficult to pause still . But awareness of that is key.

Each moment is so precious whether it is good or bad . Often in the most heavy moments Joy follows or is not that far behind . I needed to be broken to fully heal, I needed to go through heartache to completely know love , I needed chaos to know stillness , I needed pain to really know joy . My gratitude comes from the experiences and all that they have offered me. I am still learning love and how to live love for myself .

Self-love is so foundational yet many never discover it. I am on the journey to discover and immerse myself in love for self and all that it offers. Some of the steps along the way involve forgiveness and letting go – these are the pieces of the puzzle that will allow it to be whole again . This is all part of the awakening within.

My wish for those that are reading this today is to know how valuable you are. You are here for a reason and a season, so really live ! The key is to realize how beautifully and wonderfully made you are so that you can truly live in the moment, awaken, and experience all that this life has to offer .

May you be blessed,

Luv Ness

From Broken to Beautiful

She smiles as she glances at the ones she loves.  She has been so blessed with abundance in the love that surrounds her.   She reminds herself that there is so much greatness around her even though behind the smile she feels pain.    The pain is deep, numbness inside.   She so badly wants to heal from the hurt and realizes that it needs to begin within.

She is a mother, a sister, a daughter, a friend.   She is strength, weakness, pain, joy and love.

Busy has always been her middle name.  The busy doesn’t let in peace.  She does for others and often overextends.  She loves how it feels to observe happiness in others from her actions.  But this happiness is short-lived, instant, and not long lasting.

She is broken but beautiful.   She realizes that healing comes from smoothing out the broken. This realization happens when stillness is forced.

We all have a story, a journey to overcome and come through.   Her story is no different and the joy will come from healing and letting go.  Forgiveness… to forgive within.  To love ones’ self fully.   Melding of brokenness and beautiful in harmony together.  She allows the metamorphosis to begin…


My Grown Up Christmas List

What is your Grown Up Christmas List?

My grown up Christmas List has shifted as I age.    Being in my 40s offers a different perspective, I have seen many firsts and lasts… Moments that had good and bad that taken my breath away.    What I have learned is that life is its not good or bad – it is being comfortable in both opposites at the same time.   

Often the moments that take your away your breath also offer the breath of life.   

September this year was one of those months that while my heart was broken, it was restored at the same time.    We lost someone very close to us.  That someone knew how to make me laugh, how to get me going and losing him broke me into pieces at the same time made me stronger.    That someone was my father in law.  Nothing prepares you when you lose someone so very close to you.    The moments before he left his physical form offered so much love.   I remember sitting beside him and massaging his feet, and telling him how much I love him and will miss him.   He asked me to come close to him so he could tell me something in my ear, and in that moment my heart was breaking because I knew the moments to follow would be me letting go of him.  He whispered to me the words of love and thankfulness.  Those words brought tears to my eyes, and at the same time I just wanted to hold on and not let go.   We never really know when the end may come.  That is why when we are here, we have to embrace all that is in the NOW. 

My grown up Christmas is really a wish for all of you reading this today to really embrace the NOW.   

  • Live in the moment and get comfortable with pain and joy.  Joy lifts us up in  the moments where we feel pain.  In the moment where I said good bye, I had the memories of joy that came from time with the ones I love.
  • Offer a hand to help or a smile when you feel like you can’t.   Remember that all that you give out comes right back to you.  How ever hard it may be to muster up the strength to do this , it will help to lift you up as well.
  • Recognize all we have is right now, try to immerse yourself in what is happening right now and remember that the past is over, and the future we have no control over.
  • Take time in your day to do something small or large for someone you don’t know.   In life these little things can mean big things to others, and the more we can show love to one another, contributes to growing love around us in this world where we are exposed to pain every day.  It brings HOPE.
  • We are human, it is often very hard to remove judgement, but remember, we never know what others are experiencing in their lives…. And for that reason try to give grace whenever you can.

Love is really what makes this world go around, don’t take for granted a single moment in showing love to one another.   We never know when the last time may come.

My grown up Christmas list is very simple, take every moment to love.  May you have many blessings over your Christmas.

Luv Ness




The Moments

As she glances out the window, she admires and takes in the view.    

Laughter, smiles, bliss, taking it all in – living in the moment.

This moment is what matters.

The boys in her life help her feel full.   Its like eating a fresh baked pie.  Each bite tastes so wonderful so blissful, with each bite she feels full and content.

This moment is what matters.

Time flies.  They tell you time flies when you are younger and you ask yourself – “What do they know?”.  The words touch her heart now, she realizes that the years pass in a matter of minutes.   They were right .   She realizes that this is something learned through experiences as she looks back.

This moment matters.    

She takes in the smells of their rooms when they are sleeping at night.  The smells remind her of the times when she rocked them to sleep, reminds her of the blissful feeling of love in those moments.   As she glances at their faces she is full of so much love in this wonderful life.    A sense of peace overcomes her as she gives gratitude to the moment and the beautiful view.

This moment matters.

The babies grow into young men, and she begins to see that they are becoming so much more than she could ever imagine.   Viewing the world through their eyes, helping them navigate through the rough and smooth – she feels so blessed for them to call her mom.

This moment matters.

More than she could ever imagine – the great gifts in this life are the ones you love and living in every moment.   

This moment matters.

Walking hand in hand in this life with her best friend. Her best friend was an angel sent from above.   Then the blessings she has been given are beyond her wildest dreams.   She gives thanks.   The gift of life –  her two sons – the greatest gifts of all.  Love so deep.        

This moment matters.

The joy experienced in this life always overcomes the sadness.  There are storms in this life but it is through strength and love that shelters us from the rain.   The sun always shines, and she has seen it happen so many times the rainbows that come after the storm.   

This moment matters.

She looks out the window and gives thanks and gratitude to  it all.  She knows He is the source of all of the good.         

This moment matters.

Miracles happen every day….


A vehicle hits black ice, 4 roll in a vehicle 5 times, one without a seat belt – they remain untouched.

A diagnosis of stage 4 cancer, told he would not survive – he beats all odds.

They are taken from her in 6 months, two die suddenly before their eyes.  But He tells her “when one life is taken another is given”.   1 year later a miracle is born.

A diagnosis of breast cancer – she concurs it .

A diagnosis of cancer – stage 4, he beats it.

Broken neck – she walks away but with a new perspective

A family almost broken apart, they are rescued, and rise beyond the pain.

This is their story.    Their story is no different from the rest.  Everyone has a story, unique where broken exists.  Each is asked to rest in His yolk.   

Keep your eyes on me.

She gathers her thoughts and stares at the sky she ponders the “why”.   But what she has realized, is that sometimes she can’t see the why.  The why is revealed in His time and often shines like the sun in the sky.

Keep your eyes on me.

There is a light that shines in the dark.   The light is what we need to embrace.

Keep your eyes on me.  

It’s the light that emerges in these moments that snuffs out all darkness.   We were not promised a life without pain.   However, in the pain is where we discover the most joy.    It’s in the brokenness that love emerges.

  • A new baby is born.
  • Love shines its brilliant light.
  • A rainbow after the rain.
  • People support and love one another.
  • The strength of many emerges.

Miracles do happen, they happen in the big and the small.     It is taking the time in this life to really focus on the joy, love, and laughter that makes all the difference.   To take stock of every second and shower it with love.

Keep your eyes on me. I AM I AM.

Be anxious in nothing at all….

Put your trust in Me…..

I will uphold you with my righteous hand…..

I am close to the brokenhearted…..

I have plans to prosper you…..

I AM with you in the darkest valley……

I offer you perfect love….

The unexplained exists in miracles that come from I AM.   We may not know the why.  But in the moments where we feel we can’t hold on, if we trust in Him, He will guide and lift us up.    He carries us.

It is Together with our love for one another we can remain strong.

It is in our togetherness that we snuff out the darkness and the light shines.   Let Him carry us through the valley of darkness, and guide us back to love.

Keep your eyes on me. 

Thank-you God for being there for me in the darkness and shining the light.





