This Abundantly Breathtakingly Beautiful Messy Life

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There is no doubt that this life is both beautiful and messy all at the same time.    We were not promised a life free from pain, we are promised abundance.   Now more than ever we must take care of our minds, body, and soul.   These past couple of years have brought much uncertainty for the world, social media continues to be a constant feed of the pain this world is experiencing.  But there is so much more, this world is beautiful, there is kindness and love that transcends if we just pay attention to the magic all around us.

As I enter the phase of midlife, and look back on my experiences, I have seen much heart ache and pain but also breathtaking beauty.  I have realized that we all have opportunity, but that opportunity may sometimes come with loss or pain.     As I sit back, I ponder if the purpose of us being here is to unlearn everything that has transpired since childhood to bring us to a place that is free of judgement?  We are brought into this life free of judgement but as time ticks by, we develop opinions and biases. 

What if we could be in a state free of condition and judgement?  Peace.  But how easy is it to achieve? 

I truly believe that we need to unlearn some of these conditions and biases to fully let go of judgement to understand how to demonstrate unconditional love for self and others.   Love for self is a challenging feat is it not?

One of the most basic concepts is self-love and at each stage of life may look different.   How can we fully love others if we do not understand how to love ourselves first?    How can we be authentic to ourselves with being able to demonstrate all that has been gifted to us?     

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)   Our own understanding is built by what we have been exposed to by our senses, there is so much unseen that is continually working for our good.   The mind is magnificent yet debilitating all at the same time.   We are asked to come and rest, but the action of rest requires perseverance. Perseverance of spirt, mind, body, and soul to really be grounded in what is – not what has transpired or is yet to come.

When we experience trials, consider it joy.    Joy and trials all melded together into one. For it is in the imperfect that we truly see how magical this life truly is.  We discover the light that can shine from the greatest difficulty.    His works are perfect, and all his ways are just. (Deuteronomy 32:4)  

We all have our share of experiences that take our breath away, no experience can be compared to another, they are equal in significance.   I too have experienced trials that have rocked my core, taken my breath away, but also offered opportunity to learn and grow:   

  • I was bullied in all my school years that impacted how I viewed myself in the mirror – felt unloved and unworthy.   The girl looking back at me wondered if she was truly beautiful.   Years later as I look on that little girl, I would tell her what I know now.  Love comes from within.
  • I was physically assaulted by a group of men who took away my sense of self and dignity.  I felt lost and wondered if I would ever find my way back home again.  But there is always hope if we choose to find it.   A light at the end of a tunnel shining the way, one step in front of the other to pull through and find myself again.
  • I broke my neck and nearly lost my life at a time that was supposed to be so magical for my family and sons.   A second chance at life emerged with a new perspective.
  • I have suffered from depression throughout my life – many would only see a smile of strength and positivity; this is the unseen. Many don’t know what’s behind the smile.
  • I have had losses and have had heartache that many in this world.  The loss of my father-in-law suddenly or close family members.  One moment here, the next gone. Moments to make one realize how precious this life can be.

But the question is, do these moments define who I am, or do they contribute to good in my life? Are all things made for good?

As I look back, I see the silver lining that has shone through in all these events.  There was a rainbow that always followed the rain.   Like the moment when I met my soulmate, or the moments my children were born, or the moments where I discovered who was always walking beside me, carrying me, lifting me up if I was falling down.  The moments where we discover love in the pain, love for self, love for others and truly what this life is about.    Sometimes you don’t see the light until you are part or all the way through.  We all have defining moments that shake us to the core and these moments cannot be compared to one another as they are unique to each one of us and have significance in impact.  These moments can offer reflection of change or compliancy and staying on a course that is safe.  Change comes with vulnerability, acceptance, and an action in some cases of letting go and sometimes taking a leap of faith to moving forward.

I have always admired the butterfly – the metamorphosis that takes shape through struggle. To only emerge as something so very magnificent and beautiful.   This can be compared to our flight in this life. Life is but a journey, a journey to self-discovery, self-love, self-compassion, and acceptance of what is – to then to emerge to truly understand how bountiful and full of joy this life was intended to be.    I have recognized that life brings beauty in the most painful experiences.  

I take comfort in knowing that we have something Greater than ourselves allowing us to experience joys and trials to realize the gifts of this life.   Ultimately, I know that this Grand Universe wants me to see myself through the eyes of unconditional love and love myself and live my days with abundance while utilizing the gifts that I have been given.    We are so powerful, and our minds can lift us up or tear us down.    This life is a journey to love oneself and fully accept who we are – our authentic selves.   We each have our own unique gift or blueprint; the key is discovering that it within and sharing it with others.  This is where the true power resides in this beautifully messy life.

I am still working on achieving love for myself every day by actions of grace.  I begin the day with gratitude to ground what is, and then offering myself a cup of grace when I may slip or fall.   Each one of us can only control how we choose to respond; the rest is out of our control and up to God.   Our power lies in our response to what is happening in our lives.

A Letter of Love to My Boys

a letter of lovePerspective is everything.    All we have is NOW.   It is the response we choose to this life that makes all of the difference.    I have been very blessed to be given two little beautiful gifts in this life, along with a best friend and husband.    We don’t know when it is time to meet our Maker, and I have been thinking lately, if I left tomorrow, what would I want to say to my boys.   I am not the perfect parent by any means, but over the course of this life thus far, these are a few of the lessons I would leave.

A letter to my Beautiful Boys

I don’t know how long I will be here, but I want you to both know how much I love you.   Being your mother has been the greatest gifts in my life (aside from having a wonderful husband and my best friend your dad).

I often wish I could tell you everything I have in my head, and transfer everything I have seen to protect you from hurt or sadness.  But this is one of the greatest things in our lives, is learning and living.  We will stumble yes, but it is how we choose to respond to the moments that make all of the difference.  Learning to love myself from the inside out was one of my most difficult journeys.  Love for self is one of the most important pieces in this life.   You have to realize your strengths and your unique giftings in this world – and realize there is only one of you. Do not envy what others have.  Be comfortable right where you are. You are perfectly made from the inside out and it is your journey to figure this out. You were beautifully made, from the beginning of time by God.    I am far from perfect, and what I have learnt the most in this life, is love yourself and show others the same love you give yourself.

Here are some thoughts that I wanted to bring together so that you can think of these things when you go up and down the hills in this life.  

  • Love yourself, realize you are beautifully made. And yes we will hear things from others  – they may not like who we are or what we are made to be.   This world is full of differences.   Make sure that what you allow to go through your ears is the truth, do not create a fiction based story. The truth always comes from a place of love – not jealousy or envy.    You can control what voices you allow in and what ones you push out.  Remember this.   You have control of your thoughts.
  • If a friend does something for you, or even sends you a nice note or text, thank them for it. Genuine gratefulness has the ability to create ripple effects.   It is like dropping a rock in the water and then all of the ripples go outward.   Remember a kind word, or thank-you makes all the difference.  Also think of something you can do for someone else – expecting nothing in return.    This is the pay it forward concept – whatever good you put out there will come back to you J    It may not be the same way – but by doing good – good will always come back to us.
  • If you see someone in need, or have something you could do without – extend the hand and help. There will be times in your life where you will require help and it is through our actions that these things come full circle (a bit repeating the previous but this is looking to help where you can). It is important to maintain balance with this, because you must care for your own health first.     Expect nothing in return.   If you live your life this way, great things will circle back.
  • Get rid of clutter in your head, house, and life. Clutter can be defined by items, clouding thoughts, or people that zap the life out of you.   Clean up, it will help you in all that you do.
  • Remember good friends like you unconditionally. These friends will not hurt you; they will not try to make you to do things you feel uncomfortable with.   They will not be spiteful, jealous or envious. Good friends will make you laugh so hard your belly hurts, you feel comfortable and not judged in any way.  A special friend is someone that really “gets you”.  They understand the person you are. Remember this.  Surround yourself with people that like you just the way you are.
  • Exercise, stretch, and keep your body healthy. Take care of your body and don’t overwork it too.    Make sure you rest when you need it.  This is the only body you have.
  • Eat foods that are good for your body and are not overly processed. What you put into your body is what you will get out. Rinse, floss, and brush your teeth gently and regularly. Take care of the body you have been given J
  • Enjoy life, don’t take for granted any of the moments. We are only here for a short time, so focus on the beauty not the darkness.
  • Every day, pause, reflect and look back on the good things. Be thankful for the little things.  Also, look at your life and focus on what is working.  If gratitude is the focus of your heart you will always be happy.
  • It is ok to say NO. Boundaries are healthy. Sometimes when we say No we feel guilty, but if the No is coming from a place where you are taking care of your own health and welfare, it is perfectly healthy.   Let go of the guilt and realize you are taking care of yourself.
  • What you see in others sometimes is what you may see in yourself. Make sure you evaluate and look inside and get rid of the bad.   Remove any envy, anger and resentment if it exists – as these items will bring us down in all we do.  Fill your heart with love, kindness, and beauty.
  • Do not let jobs, possessions or wealth be your focus in this life. These things will only bring temporary satisfaction.  It is love, and love for life that will bring long term happiness.
  • Priorities, establish them in your life so you can make healthy decisions. In my life, my priorities are taking care of my own health (this means spending alone time, exercise, and taking time to pray and be with God), then dad and I ensuring our relationship is strong, then spending time with you and dad, and then family and then friends.  If my own bucket is nurtured, everything else will fall into place.
  • Forgive and let go. Do not let anger, or resentment feed your life.  It is important to forgive others and let God hand the rest.   He wants you to rest, so He is there to help.    You can forgive, but that does not mean allow people to walk all over you.  There is a difference.  
  • Find someone to love that loves you for who you are. Choose someone that makes you feel full.   Someone that when you see them you get excited.   Someone that treats you with respect, love and kindness.     Find someone that would be your friend for life that you can learn and love with.
  • Pray, if you are struggling through the day or need to let go of something. Ask God to help you navigate through this life.  He has been so gracious to me.   He is a miracle worker.   All He asks is that we trust Him completely.      Lean not on your own understanding, reach for prayer and ask Him to intervene.
  • Lastly, always be truthful, honest, kind to others. Be yourself, you both have an amazing gift for love for people.  This is an awesome gift.  Life to love life and people.  Embrace the good.

I am so thankful for the gift of you two bundles in my life.  I cannot imagine life without you.   God has blessed me with abundance.  In the moments where my breath was taken away, I focused on love, prayer and gratitude and it carried me through.  Thank-you two boys for teaching me to be patient, thank-you for loving me the way you do.    Thank-you for cuddles, for grandma kisses, butterfly kisses, eskimo kisses, mommy kisses and Marcus and Drew kisses.    You have been and always will be the best thing that has happened to both your dad and I.  We love you, we are so very proud of you, and we believe in you.   And know, if something ever happens to us, we will be with you.    

Love You so much you fly high in the sky, and love you more than you say.


The Spirit of Christmas


I remember a time when my husband and I struggled, we barely had enough money to pay the bills. Managing finances was a huge component of our day to day living. As time went on, we both progressed in life and career through hard work and determination. Looking back in time, I appreciate the learning that came out of struggling, but now am in a position to give beyond myself.

I have a huge heart and love for people. My hope is for all people to thrive. We are very fortunate in our lives, and I believe that God has given us our blessings so that we can extend a hand on another. Our treasures are not meant for us alone.

Have you ever asked yourself – “How did I get so lucky?” If you have, then you certainly have considered the flip side of what it would look like to go without.

During the Christmas season I have embraced a couple of new traditions. These two traditions are centred on the thought that it is better to give than receive.

The first tradition is to give to our sponsor children. We have two sponsor children, one with world vision Japhet who lives in Rwanda, and another Jenno with Compassion Canada who lives in the Philippines. I have grown to have a special place in my heart for these two boys. Every Christmas season, I decide on providing a gift to their families. The reason being is that although as a sponsor I am helping each of them; it is really through helping their families that will make all the difference. This action also occurs throughout the year at various times. I ask myself over Christmas, if I have been give abundance and security, then how can I extend the hand to them?

The second tradition that we began as a family last year was taking little Christmas packages to Elderly Care Homes in our city. I often find that the elderly get forgotten and Christmas is one of those times that hits home. Last year as a family we made little packages of ornaments, Christmas crackers and candy for the elderly. It was such an amazing feeling but also overwhelmed my heart. The looks in their eyes, the appreciation, and then came tears that flowed at various times. One day, I will be in their situation whether it be for myself or with my own parents, and if I teach my children now about the importance of not forgetting about our loved ones – maybe they will carry the tradition on.

These two items have filled my heart so much over the past year. They have made me realize that one small action creates a reaction. I believe in our culture we surround ourselves so much with our wants and needs, which lead us to sometimes forgetting about what we can do beyond ourselves. My hope is through these small actions, my children are inspired in their lives to continue to do small acts beyond themselves.

So this Christmas, although it is busy at times and can be tiresome at times, what actions can you do that will make a small difference in someone’s day?

May you be blessed my friends.


How does your garden grow? (by Vanessa & Erica)

This post was done a little differently, me and this amazing young lady I know did a combo post.   I wrote one paragraph and she wrote another.    I hope you enjoy this post, because it provides a great perspective on the garden we grow in our minds.  How does your garden grow

There is a little voice inside of me.   At first she is a quiet talker, planting seeds hoping the garden will grow.     I water the seeds and then the seeds become plants.    The voice then becomes louder, and the plants become vines inside of me.   The voice is intertwined in my inner most soul.    I believe the words, they begin to define me, and I allow the voice to control my thoughts.

 My thoughts become consumed with negativity and I feel trapped and taken in by the vines and pricked by the thrones.  I continue to surrender my power to the voice inside me because I have been caring for this garden from the start. There is safety and comfort in the familiarity of this everyday routine.  The vines overwhelm the garden, and begin to cause overpopulation. My mind has been invaded and continued to believe the lies that are intertwined I am resistant to change for the fear of the unknown. There seems to be no way out.  Can I choose what flourishes in my garden and can I make a change?

We all have been in situations where we are overwhelmed and our thoughts consume us.  These thoughts also control us.  They affect our sense of self, the love we have for ourselves, and the outward interaction that occurs with others.   How do we grow a beautiful garden inside of our minds?   How do we cut the vines, and produce abundance in fruit and flowers? 

 The answer to this question lies deep in our heart, waiting to be unearthed. We simply must step back and look at the garden. Do we want the vines to resemble how we go about our lives? Or do we want something different? Life is made up of over thousands of moments and the only one that is for sure is NOW. So we can live in fear or we can take the first step to creating a love for ourselves and our garden by challenging those old thoughts and being grateful for each moment. 

What do you choose today?   Do you choose a garden of vines and thrones to suck out the beauty?  Or do you choose a garden full of color and abundance?

Take a breath, and breathe in all that you were meant to.  You are beautifully made.   Water the good and pull the weeds, you are the gardener.  Before you know it, flowers will bloom.

Mothers ~ A Gift Given from Up Above

imageMothers – we all have them, and when we reflect on these amazing women, we smile.   Women that give their 24 hours a day to the ones they love.  These amazing women often think about everyone else before they thinking about themselves.   

I am blessed, to have a mother of strength, and one that has always been there for me for anything I ever needed.  She has always been there through the dark times, and the light times.   I cannot imagine my life without her and am so very proud to call her my mother.  

We have been through the good, the bad and the ugly.   Every step of the way, each one of us has been strength for the other.    There are so many moments I will not forget, and moments that I felt like my mom put up with so much from me.   Every time she would turn the cheek and shower me with love and forgiveness.    My mom has showered me with unconditional love my entire life, and if I can be half of the mother she is – I would do a fantastic job.  

Together we have learnt reliance on something greater than ourselves to get through the hard times, and in the good times we are so grateful for each other.   Day after day God shows me His gentle hand. He is always there, and always promises triumph. God is in control and has shown us so many miracles, and much love.  

John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

We are meant for an abundant life, if we learn that we are not in control – that He is there to lead, lift, carry and hold. I thank Him every day for the perspective in the pain, and the love that always shows through.  I thank God for blessing me with a mother that loves me unconditionally and is always there for me.

Today lets all reflect on how amazing our mothers are. For those of you that have children, we tend to be hard on ourselves on our ability to “mother”. We are our worst critics… Remember to always give yourself a basket of grace. REST.

I adore my mother, she is a testament of strength and has a heart full of gold. She has always put others before herself (sound familiar)?? In dedication to this amazing woman, I thought I would write a poem to capture my thoughts.

A Letter to My Mom by Vanessa Chesters

As a babe, I look up at my mom and see her blue eyes.

They are beautiful and bright.

The love radiates and flows.

A love that cannot be explained, unconditional.

A bond that is everlasting and shared by two.

Over the years, the eyes change – brought by love, hope, heart ache and pain.

The lines and creases begin to show.

The lines define the moments in time where there was much happiness and sometimes tears.

She is strength, she is life, she is warm, she is a fighter and she defines love.

She has helped me most to grow.

She has helped me through my life and my “lows”.

She feels my pain when I hurt, and over time as I grow, I feel her hurts too.

We are one; the bond can never be undone.

She healed my wounds when they were deep, she has whispered sweet words as a child to me when I sleep.

We share a bond, that is so strong.

All through the years, I know this much is true, I have become the woman I am today because of you.

You are my mother – a women of strength, determination, living with your heart and soul.

Reflection ~ Take some Time for You

untitledOnce we make the time to rest, we begin to realize things we want to change or adjust in our lives.  

I feel like this woman, my life is intertwined like a string of Christmas lights, a bulb burns out, they all go out.  Rest is so important and allows our minds to hear the sweet voice of our Maker, and allows for perfect perspective.  

Can you calm the mind, and get rid full of the lists during this Christmas season? As we read the words coming from John the Baptist we see such a great perspective:

John said to the crowds coming out to be baptized by him, “You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? 8 Produce fruit in keeping with repentance. And do not begin to say to yourselves, ‘We have Abraham as our father.’ For I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham. 9 The ax is already at the root of the trees, and every tree that does not produce good fruit will be cut down and thrown into the fire.”

10 “What should we do then?” the crowd asked.

11 John answered, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.”

12 Even tax collectors came to be baptized. “Teacher,” they asked, “what should we do?”

13 “Don’t collect any more than you are required to,” he told them.

14 Then some soldiers asked him, “And what should we do?”

He replied, “Don’t extort money and don’t accuse people falsely—be content with your pay.”

The people were waiting expectantly and were all wondering their hearts if John might be possibly the Christ.  John answered them all, “I baptize you with water.  But one more powerful than I will come, the thongs of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie.” Luke 3:7-16 NIV

The first concept in this verse refers to not taking more than you need and giving to others.   Needs vs. wants is an interesting concept in our culture, and especially interesting this time of year.  

I have found myself overwhelmed with what we actually have compared to our two sponsor children…. So fortunate we are, but are we aware?

Have you noticed how many bags people are carrying in the malls during this season?  I often watch and wonder is this all necessary.  Are we getting caught up in the “right” things?

This season, perhaps you have something to give?   Can you give of your time, or items that you may not need?

One concept I really want to teach my two boys, is giving without expecting to receive.

When you reflect on your needs vs. wants do you see abundance? 

If you do, then why not take action and give?  

The action of giving does not need to be in monetary terms, it could be helping out at a soup kitchen, it could be buying a coffee for the individual that is behind you in line, or saying a prayer for those you see in pain, or even smiling at someone that seems down.   To you, this action may be small but to the other it could have made their day, and made the difference.  

I believe the state of contentment comes when one realizes that their needs are fully met and in turn realize we are not in control what happens tomorrow.  The only thing we can control is our actions.   Once we reach this state, we have so much capacity to give.  It is overflowing.   It is through our giving that a ripple effect occurs.  We may not see this effect instantly but it is there.  

Sit back and reflect, what can you do?  Do you have more than you need?

The second part of this verse in the bible refers to the coming of Jesus Christ; our Savior.   As we reflect on this season much of our reflection should be centered on Jesus.  This is what Christmas is about.  He came to bring us salvation, what an amazing gift in Him. 

Over the course of the past couple of years, many times I have felt overwhelmed with what has happened in our lives.  Any one event could have sent someone into a tailspin.  However, in every one of these situations, I came to Jesus and my Lord God.   I presented my requests, fears and anxiousness to Him.   I did this because I knew I could not control what was happening, all I could control is a response.  Don’t get me wrong, there were moments where I stuffed feelings, or where I would sit and just let the tears flow.  But I knew that God would reign,  and He had my best interests at heart.  God does not want to see His children hurting.

Larry Crabb wrote in his book 66 Love Letters that in addition to relying on themselves rather than God, the thing that kept His children out of the Promised Land was not believing God. In God’s voice, Crabb writes:

And they wouldn’t believe that I could overcome every problem, the ones inside them, as well as the difficulties in their circumstances that stood in the way of real joy. So they refused to walk the narrow road of belief that welcomes exposure of failure and conflict, knowing I have a plan to overcome them.

Amazing isn’t it?   What stands in front of real joy for us? Realization that God will always overcome.   The enemy wants us to get caught up in the “things” of this life.  He wants us to live in the “fears”.  When we give into the fears our minds cannot rest, be content, or really present in the moment.    We also are not trusting in God, that He will meet our needs because our minds are filled with lies and fear.  

During this Christmas season, rest, reflect, and take in what Christmas is really about.   Our Saviour came to set an example for us, and to save us from the hurts or the pain.   Be content in this season, and fill your mind with joy, thanksgiving, love and happiness.   Be “present”, because that action in itself makes all the difference.

Share with me your blessings!  I want to hear from you 🙂


Living for the Moment


“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world,” (John 16:33, NIV).

As I read this today, I paused and realized how very fortunate I have been in my life.   God has granted me a life that is full.   There have been moments that took my breath away, but I believe these moments we are meant to experience fully.  Some moments may not be ideal, but they bring us where we need to be.   The light always overcomes the darkness.

As I drive to work every day, on my ride I am overcome by God’s goodness, His faithfulness, His never-ending love, His forgiveness.  I start my morning ride with a prayer, “be my eyes to see what you want me to see, be my ears to hear the words you want me to hear, be my mouth to speak what you want me to speak….”  I pray this with conviction and ask for God to direct my children and husband in the same way.   I then pause, and cry, my eyes water and I feel full of thankfulness.  “Thank-you God for saving me, and giving me a second chance.”

You see not long ago, 4 years ago (January 2011), life changed in a moment.   The moment felt like forever, seconds seemed like minutes, diving into the pool a whisper said, “You are going to be ok, but brace yourself, this is going to be tough, brace your neck.”  The reassurance I felt to my core, and I knew it was Him.     A few days later I had my halo, a halo brace that weighed 8lbs.  A c1 fracture that not many survive displaced and never healed on paper.   But by the grace of God, I chose to TRUST in him.     He has shown me so much, and His grace has extended beyond my greatest expectations.   

By His grace this is what I am learning:

  • Life is about the moments that take your breath away good and bad.
  • Trusting in Him is the only way.
  • Don’t give up when you feel like you can’t take it any-more, He has overcome the world!
  • Start and end the day with Him, He will help me navigate through the days struggles.
  • Family is what matters, live every moment in Love for family, friends and those close to you.
  • Extend a hand when you feel like you can’t. Whether it is sharing a smile or giving love, support to those in need.  We all are hurting, reach out and touch someone, it will make a difference.
  • Live for today, don’t look back.
  • Don’t judge, everyone has a story and we are all children of His.
  • Forgiveness goes a long way, let it go and give it to Him.
  • Love, love, love, spread the love, it has ripple effects.
  • Be grateful, live a life of gratitude. It’s all in the attitude!
  • God is in control, all we have control of is our response.

Thank-you God for all of your love.  Thank-you for leading me to a place I would never change.   Father, I pray that  my days will be filled with your grace.  I thank-you Father for saving me in so many ways and for the blood of Jesus, that promises us a life where the sun is always shining.  You promises are everlasting and I love you with my whole heart.

As you pause this season, may you take all of the moments in fully.  May you be blessed my friends over this season where we have so much to be thankful for.


What are you grateful for today?  Live for today and spread the love!

If you have a question or a musing for me would love to hear from you, send me an email at

Stepping Out In Faith & Embracing The Moment

Step out in faithEvery moment holds something in its hand.    Whether it be a learning, an experience, or just a moment to be still and breathe.
It is easy to get caught up in the moment, to let fear, anger, and resentment take over.   But we all have the ability to control how we choose to respond.   We can choose to let go, to not give in to the hurt, pain and unhappiness.
Perspective is everything.    When you look in the mirror of your life what do you see?  When I start my day I pause, and ask for strength and perspective.
Dear Lord God,
Be my eyes to see what you want me to see,
Be my ears to hear your whisper of guidance and direction,
Be my mouth to speak words of forgiveness and love,
Use me, guide me, help me.
It’s you who I choose to see in the moment.
It’s your grace that guides me.
It’s your love that helps me see.
I lift it up to You.
I choose to let go.
You are my direction,
You are in control.
It’s through you that I become whole again.
When I look in the mirror, I see a woman who has come through this life stronger than before.   I see the times where I was carried, I see the times where the brokenness was set free.   By His grace, I picked myself back up.  He held out His hand, and asked me “Step out in Faith my child, and trust ME”.    Thankful for Him waiting patiently, guiding, and giving me more than I could ever expect in this life.   
In the mirror I see a life that is full, a life that has abundance,  and a ton of love.

Guest Post by Naomi Fata ~ Witnesses to what we have seen or heard

001As followers of Christ most of us want to show Him our love by serving Him. It is the desire of our hearts that others know Him.

At times I have found myself struggling to passionately share Him with others. I felt stiff or uncomfortable. And then I would feel guilty for my feelings, worried that I was letting my Savior down.

So I found myself asking what it is that hinders me.

At ladies Bible study last week the teacher made a point about witnesses….Think about a court of law. A witness on the stand testifies to what they have seen or heard. They cannot vouch for what someone else has seen or heard, but can only testify what they themselves have seen or heard.

What have you seen or heard of Christ?

As I heard her say that it was like a light went on. And I thought to myself, “this is it.” This is why for so long I struggled with my faith and probably why many others struggle as well – we have not seen or heard anything.

Faith is confined to what we read in the Bible, but somehow the God of the Bible who did all those miraculous works has not become a part of our lives. We need to see and hear for ourselves, as we see and hear our hearts overflow, we cannot help but talk about the goodness of God, and share with others about the amazing things He is doing in our lives. Our spiritual eyes and ears must be open to Him.

Often I believe Christ’s work in our lives comes as a revelation to our heart.  It could be in a case like Vanessa how through an accident she has encountered God’s great mercy. For myself, I have seen the hand of God so many times, like His impeccable timing when we purchased our home, the rather miraculous way He has brought a father figure into my life, the provision of finances anytime there is a need….the list goes on. As I reflect on His work I believe the most profound is the fellowship that I have found with the Living God. Think of all the people who long to have the joy and peace He offers.

Do you see Him at work? Do you know His touch?

People who don’t know Him are interested in what He has done in our lives. Our testimony of Him cannot be a stiff half-hearted sermon telling them that God is good. They want to hear fervency in our words, a belief in Him that comes from the heart.

Lord, Make me a witness of the amazing work that You do in my life, that I might testify of the power of God, and marvel at Your love. Open my eyes and ears to see Your work. Amen

Feel free to share. What can you bear witness about God’ work? What has He given you to testify about?

Thanks for reading. May you be blessed.


By Naomi Fata