The Awakening

Have you ever paused for a moment and really took in the wonder of this life ? This life has so much abundance to offer us.

For most of my life , I had difficulty quieting my mind . I really can’t pin point what the trigger was to cause my overactive mind to “pause”. I think it was a series of challenges and opportunities that really caused me to reflect, realize so much is out of my control. It is often how I chose to respond that makes the difference. Through some of this I began to learn how to pause .

Peace is found when one and can immerse themselves in the present moment and take in all that it has to offer without judgement, expectation, and then truly allow wonder to flood in.

Now being in my 40s I feel like I am seeing the grand elements of this life for the first time . It’s not that I didn’t see these things before , but now it seems like I am more aware of the texture and brightness that stands before me. I am acutely aware of how precious each moment truly is . I’m human yes , and with that when I’m tired , my thoughts wander more and are especially difficult to pause still . But awareness of that is key.

Each moment is so precious whether it is good or bad . Often in the most heavy moments Joy follows or is not that far behind . I needed to be broken to fully heal, I needed to go through heartache to completely know love , I needed chaos to know stillness , I needed pain to really know joy . My gratitude comes from the experiences and all that they have offered me. I am still learning love and how to live love for myself .

Self-love is so foundational yet many never discover it. I am on the journey to discover and immerse myself in love for self and all that it offers. Some of the steps along the way involve forgiveness and letting go – these are the pieces of the puzzle that will allow it to be whole again . This is all part of the awakening within.

My wish for those that are reading this today is to know how valuable you are. You are here for a reason and a season, so really live ! The key is to realize how beautifully and wonderfully made you are so that you can truly live in the moment, awaken, and experience all that this life has to offer .

May you be blessed,

Luv Ness

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