Being Present During COVID-19

I am the Vine
“I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV)


As I was walking, I paused and remained still and looked in awe at this tree.   It is majestic and made me think about this verse (John 15:5).   The tree is strong, grounded, and feeds and nourishes the branches. This is so symbolic during this unprecedented time in our history. COVID-19 has taken the world by storm, and has spread at a rate that we have never seen.   In these times, so much is beyond our control.   The grounding comes from the Spiritual Guide in this amazing universe.   Good will shine through, and we will be nourished.

At this time we must not lean on our own understanding and give into fear, we must rest our minds and live in the present moment.  Ask yourself what you can see, smell, touch, hear – this may help to ground you in the present moment. Lets slow down our thoughts, and ground ourselves to “what is” not “what if”.

You may be asking yourself how do I do this with what is happening? I want to stay informed how do I achieve balance?

Balance can be achieved by focusing on what you can control vs what you cannot control.

  • Do your part
  • Protect yourself by taking appropriate measures as suggested by the media
  • Limit how much you engage in media posts on COVID-19 (this can be overwhelming if it becomes the majority of your day)
  • Develop a schedule for your day to day so you can focus on what you can control
  • Make sure you include mental, physical, and spiritual wellness this may look different for each person
    • Examples include yoga, meditation, online cooking classes, team work using MSTEAMS, walks outside where you can engage appropriate social distancing
  • Ask yourself each day what brought you joy out of the day (even if it is one small example)
  • Start a gratitude journal at the beginning and end of the day (this will help to set your mind for the day and then close the day off with positivity)
  • Remember habits take time so reinforce the small steps

In this time while it may seem bleak as we witness the spread, I choose to focus on what I can control and these are the things I know:

  • I am loved and strong.
  • I am safe, fortunate and grounded in the now
  • This event is bringing us all together in the world
  • Love for one another is radiating stronger during this time
  • I can still give to others from a distance and help those in need
  • I can pray and send good energy to those that are struggling and be emotional support where I can.
  • I have moments of joy every day, they are right in front of me – family/friends/love

Sending good vibes and energy to all those who have read this today. How do you stay grounded in these times? Remember by sharing it may help others.

As Season’s Change, We Change

Picture for Relationships


I am thankful for the changes that take my breath away, where I feel so happy I can burst at the seams or the times where the hurt is so bad that I cry out for help.   These have been the moments that have contributed to a greater focus in my life, and by the grace of God, He has provided me a looking glass of what He has planned for me.  

My focus has changed, and I have realized that I need to take care of my health first and foremost so that I can extend myself for others. In nurturing myself, I want to start and end my day with Him and maintain the close connection.   I can only do this if my life is not overextended.

I have also realized that my relationship with my husband is one of the greatest gifts. He was made just for me, and I should never take that for granted.   I should nurture this relationship as much as I can.  

Two other gifts that have been given to me are my precious sons, I am so thankful for the lessons as a parent. I choose to be plugged into their lives, and this means choosing the “right” balance for us as a family (with Gods guiding hand).    

My broader family, the ones that are close, are meant to be held close.   We are joined to support and love one another.  

And then my extended family, my friends that will be there through the sunshine and the rain.    

My priorities seem simple, but I live a messy life like most.   This messy life has its challenges and many times I feel torn between all of the priorities.     I have also found that as I have changed my priorities, some relationships have changed.   Makes sense doesn’t it?   If we change as people, we will bring into our life the people that are willing to change or adapt with us.

It has been hard at times, because I have had to let go of some relationships.   Relationships should not be forced, they should be welcomed and wanted.   Has there been a time in your life where you have felt like you had to force something?   How did you feel? For me, when I have to force something I don’t feel like myself.   Don’t get me wrong, all relationships require work in some way, but when you feel like the work is all on one side and doesn’t start from a place of love – it may be time to let go.

Change isn’t easy, but if you feel good about the changes, then keep riding the waves.   I truly believe the changes in our life are created for good.

Have you experienced some relationship challenges or changes in your life that revealed good? Consider leaving a comment and sharing your experience.




I am I am

imagesI am I am…..

I am young, looking at the rainbow in the sky, and wonder if there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.  “What if it rains? What happens then?”  There is always light after the rain…..

I am entering a new grade, bubbles creep up inside, “ Can I do this?  What if they don’t like me?”  Trust…You will meet someone that will see that special something inside of you….

I am about to perform in front of a large group of people, excited about the music that will fill the air, “What if I slip up on a note?”  Themusic that fills the air makes you feel so good, press on.

I leave home for new beginnings,  I don’t know myself yet, don’t know where I am going, “What if I can’t make it?” When each door closes another one opens….

I meet a man that sees the light in me, just me, “Is this real?  Do I have to pinch myself?” You are loved unconditionally…

I am holding a baby in my arms, and feel the wonderful feeling of love and admiration.   Inside, I feel fear, “What if I am not good enough?  What if I fail?” This is a gift, and he will look to you for guidance and love you for the wonderful woman you are….

Someone close to me is ill. “What if they don’t get better? What if I can’t help?”  You are not in control child,  lift it up to me….

Taking that first step forward can be hard, but He reassures and defeats the evil voices if you just Trust.  We must move forward, even when the conditions from our perspective may not be favorable.    As you reflect on your life,  take a deep breath, do you see the good that has always come out of the moments where you were challenged?

Sometimes the things we remember are the challenges, where we feel our spirit may be lost… But life is not meant to be wasted.  Rise and remember the good that came out of the times where we were challenged, because He was always there.  Life is good.  He carried us, He shows us how to be light, we just need to take the leap forward and trust. 

John 14:27

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

Take a moment to listen to this artist and her wonderful song about being beautifully made


May you be blessed and thank-you for popping by!
