Being Present During COVID-19

I am the Vine
“I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NIV)


As I was walking, I paused and remained still and looked in awe at this tree.   It is majestic and made me think about this verse (John 15:5).   The tree is strong, grounded, and feeds and nourishes the branches. This is so symbolic during this unprecedented time in our history. COVID-19 has taken the world by storm, and has spread at a rate that we have never seen.   In these times, so much is beyond our control.   The grounding comes from the Spiritual Guide in this amazing universe.   Good will shine through, and we will be nourished.

At this time we must not lean on our own understanding and give into fear, we must rest our minds and live in the present moment.  Ask yourself what you can see, smell, touch, hear – this may help to ground you in the present moment. Lets slow down our thoughts, and ground ourselves to “what is” not “what if”.

You may be asking yourself how do I do this with what is happening? I want to stay informed how do I achieve balance?

Balance can be achieved by focusing on what you can control vs what you cannot control.

  • Do your part
  • Protect yourself by taking appropriate measures as suggested by the media
  • Limit how much you engage in media posts on COVID-19 (this can be overwhelming if it becomes the majority of your day)
  • Develop a schedule for your day to day so you can focus on what you can control
  • Make sure you include mental, physical, and spiritual wellness this may look different for each person
    • Examples include yoga, meditation, online cooking classes, team work using MSTEAMS, walks outside where you can engage appropriate social distancing
  • Ask yourself each day what brought you joy out of the day (even if it is one small example)
  • Start a gratitude journal at the beginning and end of the day (this will help to set your mind for the day and then close the day off with positivity)
  • Remember habits take time so reinforce the small steps

In this time while it may seem bleak as we witness the spread, I choose to focus on what I can control and these are the things I know:

  • I am loved and strong.
  • I am safe, fortunate and grounded in the now
  • This event is bringing us all together in the world
  • Love for one another is radiating stronger during this time
  • I can still give to others from a distance and help those in need
  • I can pray and send good energy to those that are struggling and be emotional support where I can.
  • I have moments of joy every day, they are right in front of me – family/friends/love

Sending good vibes and energy to all those who have read this today. How do you stay grounded in these times? Remember by sharing it may help others.

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award


The Sisterhood of World Bloggers Award, when an email came through the other day indicating that I was nominated, my breath was literally taken away. What a journey, to think this started with a C1 fracture and to know that I am not in control with what happens, all I can control is how I choose to respond. Beautiful Emily from nominated me.   Her kindness shines through her blog, through her sweet words, and now her actions.    I have been blown away by the relationships that have bloomed.   A million miles away, a beauty with blonde hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile, a connection through words.  Something I am so very thankful for.

This award, the meaning may be different for each of the sisters by for me, means love.   A love for others that share a vision, that want to reach out and touch someone through an act or a smile.    The woman that share this award look within, and investigate the “how”.   How can I share?  How can I make a difference?  How can I share a smile for good? Love makes the world go around, and I believe it is through our selfless actions that we create a difference together.   So today, I nominate women that despite the challenges in their lives want to share, to lend a hand or share a smile of hope.   I thank each of my sister friends, and my sunshine in Emily that choose to extend even though they face challenges in their own lives.

Here are the rules for the award:

  • Thank the blogger who nominated you, linking back to their site.
  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Answer the ten questions they have given you.
  • Nominate ten people.
  • Make up ten new questions for them to answer.

Emily’s 10 questions to me

What is it about your best friend that makes them so wonderful?

My besties are women that know me for me, and don’t judge just love.   I am fortunate enough to call a few women my besties.    Above these women, is someone that I am thankful for every day, my husband.  My one and only best friend that I will treasure til the end of time, and am so thankful for his strength every day in my life.

 If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would live exactly where I am today.  I am so very thankful for my life, for the moments and the people that I love.   Living life to the fullest and being present with my 3 boys is exactly where I want to be.

What helps you get through a long day?What helps me get through a long day?

That is easy, strength from God and the love that I have in my heart for my three beautiful boys (my husband, and two sons)

What is a topic on teens you would like to see written about?

A topic on teens is first love, and love for self.   But one of the interesting dynamics that I have realized is that strong self assurance is essential in this life.  If there is anything I can teach my boys, it is to realize that they are loved unconditionally no matter what happens.   Also, that their self worth is not identified through someone else, it is how they see themselves and that unconditional love always comes from their parents and God.   If I can leave one thing with them, it is to help them realize that deep within themselves is the greatest gift and they are made unique and perfect in their own skin.

 When you think about High School you feel _____?

When I think about high school, I feel sad.  The girl that I look back at was someone that did not love herself.  It was someone that believed the lies, believed the bully’s that said she was ugly.   If only I could back in time, I would tell her she has a ton of potential and that these years were only simple moments in time that taught he how not to treat others and to forgive and let go.

 If you could get rid of one day of the week, which would it be and why?

Monday’s.   Mondays are the start to routine, to the week, if only the weekend could last one more day 🙂

What do you dream about for your future?

My dreams are for now, enjoying every moment to the fullest and never taking anything for granted.  To love fully, and not hold back.    To embrace what life has to offer whether it is sunshine or rain.

What are you most passionate about?

I am passionate about helping others.  Whether that means one person or many.  If I could just make a small difference in someone’s day every day, I would be fulfilled.  It means offering a smile or encouraging words or a hug… What ever action I can because I know it has ripple effects.  In this world the more sunshine we can provide the better 🙂

What is the best present you ever received?

The best present I ever received was my second engagement ring from my husband.  When we first got engaged we were very young and didn’t have a lot.   Then on the first mother’s day I celebrated, my husband put a second engagement ring ontop of our son sleeping in his crib.  He is the most amazing man I know and this was a moment I will never forget.  His love for me amazes me every day.

Who knows you better than anyone else?

My best friend, my husband.

Now it is time for me to nominate 10 amazing people

1)  Lead by Lisa Evola and contributors women of faith that celebrate themselves right where they are

2)  Emily with her sunshiny personality

3) Helping support people in their relationship with God

4) Laurie Wallin, a women that embraces her challenges and reaches out to help others

5) A women that reaches out and wants to support and build up God’s kingdom

6) A woman that has a heart of gold and wants to do God’s work with passion, helping others see Him

7)  A woman that is finding herself through God’s words and is learning to lead through her words

8) Writings that inspire and leave you thinking

9) A home grown Saskatchewan woman, that continues to look at the 90% and focus’ on the positive

10) A beautiful women that helped me see strength in the pain, and has such a gift for seeing beauty

10 questions for my nominees to answer

1) What inspires you?

2) Is there a moment that has inspired you or changed the direction in your life?

3) Who inspires you?

4) What do you believe is the greatest gift in this life?

5) If you were to look through rose colored glasses what would this life look like?  Would you change anything?

6) When you look back on your life, what are your greatest accomplishments?

7) What is your definition of LOVE?

8) Do you believe we all can make a difference?  What does the “action” look like?

9) Where do you draw strength?

10) What is your greatest talent? (what have you discovered about yourself that you see as a strength and why)

May you be blessed you amazing women who are celebrating life just where you are 🙂

Love ness