My Grown Up Christmas List

What is your Grown Up Christmas List?

My grown up Christmas List has shifted as I age.    Being in my 40s offers a different perspective, I have seen many firsts and lasts… Moments that had good and bad that taken my breath away.    What I have learned is that life is its not good or bad – it is being comfortable in both opposites at the same time.   

Often the moments that take your away your breath also offer the breath of life.   

September this year was one of those months that while my heart was broken, it was restored at the same time.    We lost someone very close to us.  That someone knew how to make me laugh, how to get me going and losing him broke me into pieces at the same time made me stronger.    That someone was my father in law.  Nothing prepares you when you lose someone so very close to you.    The moments before he left his physical form offered so much love.   I remember sitting beside him and massaging his feet, and telling him how much I love him and will miss him.   He asked me to come close to him so he could tell me something in my ear, and in that moment my heart was breaking because I knew the moments to follow would be me letting go of him.  He whispered to me the words of love and thankfulness.  Those words brought tears to my eyes, and at the same time I just wanted to hold on and not let go.   We never really know when the end may come.  That is why when we are here, we have to embrace all that is in the NOW. 

My grown up Christmas is really a wish for all of you reading this today to really embrace the NOW.   

  • Live in the moment and get comfortable with pain and joy.  Joy lifts us up in  the moments where we feel pain.  In the moment where I said good bye, I had the memories of joy that came from time with the ones I love.
  • Offer a hand to help or a smile when you feel like you can’t.   Remember that all that you give out comes right back to you.  How ever hard it may be to muster up the strength to do this , it will help to lift you up as well.
  • Recognize all we have is right now, try to immerse yourself in what is happening right now and remember that the past is over, and the future we have no control over.
  • Take time in your day to do something small or large for someone you don’t know.   In life these little things can mean big things to others, and the more we can show love to one another, contributes to growing love around us in this world where we are exposed to pain every day.  It brings HOPE.
  • We are human, it is often very hard to remove judgement, but remember, we never know what others are experiencing in their lives…. And for that reason try to give grace whenever you can.

Love is really what makes this world go around, don’t take for granted a single moment in showing love to one another.   We never know when the last time may come.

My grown up Christmas list is very simple, take every moment to love.  May you have many blessings over your Christmas.

Luv Ness




And the Storm Rages On


Many times over the past few years I have felt like my ship was sinking.  Sometimes, it felt like there was a hole in the sail or water was seeping through the floorboards. The wind blew so hard on the sails that I felt like I had to grab on tightly to save my life.   People around me were suffering, I saw pain.  

I wanted to steer the boat in a direction where there would be smooth sailing.  And many times I asked, God where are you in this storm of life?

There are moments when I am just so scared, and the fear seeps in. 

I have come to realize that I am not in control what happens in life to me or the ones I love.   

We cannot control what happens, but we can control how we respond.

It is hard to relinquish control when you are use to being a person that just likes things “organized” or “predictable”.   In this wonderful life, we are not in control of what happens to us.   We are simply called to respond in a way that allows the heart to be open, to soften, to be there for the people that we love, and to support one another. 

There is always going to be the rush of waves, and the storms that rage.  We cannot steer the ship alone, we must give the helm to God.   He wants us to come to Him, so he can give us rest. He wants us to trust that He will carry us through.

Yes my sails have gotten damaged, my boat may have pieces of paint missing, and at times I am drenched, but I know I will be carried through.   The one thing that I know I can control is my response, and I do not have to come unglued in the moments that take my sails on a different course.

I know there have been times while sailing, that the ocean was as calm as can be, and the sun reached out beyond the clouds to touch and warm my face.  

  • Children laughing so hard their guts hurt.
  • Family around a table and enjoying a meal with smiles and good food.
  • Feeling the weight being lifted as I forgive the hurt.
  • Being in the presence of God’s country, the deer peaking their heads through the trees.
  • Getting a hug from someone I love, feeling the love so deep.
  • A good laugh with a group of friends and the people I love.
  • Seeing the stars sparkle in the sky.
  • Hearing the words, I love you.

You see, these experiences, the waves and the storms have opened my eyes and washed away the anxious heart.   They have built a stronger ship that can steer through any storm.  We all have to sail the storm, but it is how we sail that makes all the difference.

We cannot control the waves or the storms, but we can definitely bring an umbrella, and hold hands in the rain.

Thank-you God for steering the helm in a direction that brings us relief. I trust in You.

May you be blessed my friend, there is always sunshine after the rain. Is there a storm you are navigating through today on your own?   He is waiting for you to ask Him to steer…

                One day Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s go over to the other side of the lake.” So they got into a boat and set out. As they sailed, he fell asleep. A squall came down on the lake, so that the boat was being swamped, and they were in great danger. The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. (Luke 8:22-25)

We are enough


God cares for me, and He has the ability to relieve my worries, my stresses.   I relinquish control onto Him.   Two sentences that seem so simple…..

But why has it not been that simple for me in my life.   On a day to day basis, there are instances where I let my thoughts go down a path that spins out of control.  

All He wants is for me to come to Him in those times.  He wants me to believe that in all things, He is there.

                Casting all your care upon him, for he careth for you. (1 Peter 5:7)

He cares for me, unconditional, never ending love and power.  He is at the center, and just wants me to lean on Him in everything.

My shelter in the rain, my protector, my everything.




                                                He is in control….

Sometimes I feel like there is a battle that is going on inside of me.    I am not worthy,  I don’t fit the mold, I am scared, I worry, I try to control.

I pray,

I ask for help, 

I give thanks….

I am thankful for the experiences, for the pain, and for the perspective He has been given to me.   The scars are visible, but they do not define who I am.

I believe in Him, in Love, and that He reigns.

He holds me, He carries me, He is my strength.

We were meant for so much more than this, we were meant to live a life of abundance in all things. 

To feel light,

To see the light….

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

There is a place for us, beyond all comprehension.

Where you feel love, where you feel whole.

There is no fear, worry, or heartache.

A place where life is light always.  Where the warmth of love feels like the first time you were held as a babe.

Where brokenness is restored again.

In Revelation 21:1-5, God gave John a vision of what will happen when God restores broken things:

“And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.’ He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’ Then he said, ‘Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.’”

Today, we are here on Earth, and God promises He will carry us, and He is in control.   Give your worries to Him and rest.

28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11: 28-30 NIV)


My Prayer

Dear Lord God,

I thank-you for watching over me, and showing me how to trust.   I ask You to keep me strong, and to protect my mind and the minds of all that I love from the devils evil whispers.  I ask that all that are going through hardship and pain, that they hear the voice of your Holy Spirit.  I ask that the words are Your truth.   You are the healer of the sick, you give rest to the weary, and Your wisdom is beyond comprehension.  You are our Father that cares for each one of us.  I give my worries to you as you will take care of them.   I ask that You help all those that are searching for You.   I pray for this in Jesus’ Name Amen.


Your Lamb