Lean Not on Your Own Understanding

image (4)Have you ever felt fear that rocks you to your core?   Have you felt the tremble when you may not know what happens next? Or your heart beats so fast because you are filled with worry?

I have been there so many times, and every time, I feel like I am being asked to Trust completely.     We all have a choice not to allow our minds to race down a path of anxiety and worry.   But sometimes if we have not nurtured ourselves, our bodies give into the fear.

For me, when this happens, prayer comes into play.   Something I don’t talk about often is that as a young teen I suffered from depression.   The depression at times enveloped me.   I believed the lies; I believed I wasn’t worthy or good enough.   I feared for what the future may bring. The “What if’s” consumed me.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

(Proverbs 3:5-6New International Version (NIV))

I find it hard at times to get off of the path of worry, but His voice reassures me.   I turn to prayer, to Him. In prayer and thanksgiving I present my requests to Him.   A friend hurting, someone ill, a sick child, a heart breaking, a love one lost, the list can go on. We create images in our minds of what this “what if” reality is.  

Lean not on your own understanding.

Here’s the thing we cannot control what happens, the one thing we can control is our response to the moments.   Sometimes the response we choose creates our reality.   The response can make all the difference between thriving and suffering.  

The fact is – God is in control.   Prayer is the most powerful thing that we can use in the moments when we feel like our mind is slipping out of control.    

All He asks is for us to Trust.  

Dear friend, lift up your worries today, and let them go.   Remember the only thing we can control is the response we choose, the rest is up to God.

Dear Lord God,

You know my needs, my worries and my wants.   I present my requests to you for safety and good health. I thank-you Lord for taking care of me and showing me the light in darkness.   Your yoke is easy.  I give my life to you, be my eyes to see what you want me to see, be my ears to hear what you want me to hear, let my mouth speak the words you want me to speak. I pray for your protection to surround our family, and the ones reading this today. I pray for this in Jesus Name Amen.

May you be blessed,
